Improve website conversion rate through better ux design

  • by Webdesk
  • Sep 17, 2019

UX design is the process of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product.

A better UX design is always on demand. Any website whether it is small or owns millions of customers tries to sell its product. A better UX design will always improve the browsing experience of the users which will obviously generate more traffic and more audience engagement.

Here are some of the ways how a better UX design improves website conversion rate

  • Using original images

Your website is the most important part of your business as it attracts a huge amount of viewers and generates revenue for your website. A better quality image can upgrade any webpage and make it look more appealing and functional.

Many websites do not care about the quality or originality of images and end up losing viewers. Using stock photos do not make your website look unique and degrades the growth of your business website.

Original pictures and design attract more visitors as the viewers can connect to them, this helps in increasing the conversion rate of your business site. Better UX design is truly proportional to conversion rate, this means that the website having a better user experience always have the highest conversion.

  • Quick page loading

A website that takes faster loading time to open never works for users. When your website takes more time than required it will automatically disinterest the users. Users leave the website and do not show up again if your website do not function properly or takes much time to browse.

For a better conversion rate your website should not only have quick page loading, it should also be mobile friendly as we have more mobile audience. A website that equally functions for all the devices attracts more audience and increases more conversion rate. With the mobile-first approach being promoted by Google, optimizing and designing your webpage for mobile users has to be done without fail.

  • Call to Action button

A Call to Action is must for a performing website as it ensures user’s trust towards your website. The most used Call To Action that are preferred by the websites are Start a trial, to sign up for updates, to download the app and book a consultation.

Using a clear Call To Action improves user experience which develops the website’s conversion rate and engages more traffic to the website.

A better than other Call To Action needs some of thins that makes the viewers buy what you are selling.

  • Using more contrasting colors to your Call to Action makes it look more prominent and attracts more viewer’s attention.
  • You should always check for the word count while writing the CTA for your website. It should not exceed the limit i.e five words.
  • The CTA texts should not be in passive form. The text should be written in a way to drive people to take an action required for your business.

This is how a better UX design can improve your website’s conversion rate and the position of your website among other digital competitors.

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