6 Web Design Trends in 2019

  • by Webdesk
  • Oct 05, 2019

A website should be designed in a way that it is presentable to the users and also should be functional at the same time.

Over the past several years web designers and developers have been struggling to form up to the reputation of web design trends that are leading the industry. Designs may be same but trends are always changed according to the selection and persuasion of designers.

Adapting a trend not only changes your designing strategies but it also develops the visibility of your business website and makes it more attractive and appealing for the users.

Here are six website design trends that you must go for-


  • White space-

Cluttered and chaotic website does not entertain anybody now. Maybe you can attract a few customers using extra graphic loaded website, but it is temporary. You need to use this trend in order to get an audience centric website. Using plenty of white spaces not only creates less chaos, but also makes your site more clean and informative. White spaces does not mean that you leave your webpage half blank, it means that you leave more spaces that do not have over loaded graphics and designs.


  • Bold colors and gradients-

Use of bold and eye catchy color is yet another trend that defines the uniqueness of a website. Adding colors that attracts people is the most important visual communication factor that makes a website stand up in the competition.

Use of gradients is a right way to demonstrate your website in a unique way as gradients provide subtle visual interest without being too chaotic. Bold colors and gradients are useful for inviting people to Call to Action or any information.


  • Better User Experience Design and User Interface-

People are tech savvy more now and they actually know what could be the affects of a choosing a poor website. A poor UI/UX design not only makes a website dysfunctional, it also turns away most of the potential sales. If your website does not provide good user experience, nobody will likely visit and you will end up losing your business.

This is the reason UI/UX designs are the trends of 2019 web designing.


  • Responsive designing-

Responsive designing is something that makes your website stand strong in the competitive digital world. Your website should be responsive and should adapt to all the devices whether it is mobile or laptop or any other device.

Today mobile is the necessity of every individual. The audience is mobile addict and nobody can deny this. So having a mobile friendly website is not an option but a compulsion. A responsive website attracts much more viewer than any other and every business needs to adapt this.


  • Attached videos-

We have a visually appealing audience who prefers to watch than read lengthy paragraphs.

Have you ever shifted to watching a video while going through content? I guess yes. This happens with everybody because videos attracts more than texts. They make people stay on your website and this helps your business.

Moreover videos increase SEO for your website, the search engines look for how far the viewers stay on your website and then rate your business accordingly. This increases your website’s position on various search engines including Google which automatically brings potential leads to your business.


  • Dynamic Scrolling –

Dynamic scrolling is the latest trend followed by the designers this year. Dynamic scrolling involves website designing in a way that there is always more for the viewers to catch up before leaving the website.

Dynamic scrolling may include various graphics that makes the viewer look downward visually cutting off a familiar shape so that you feel compelled to scroll down to see the completed shape or, even revealing hidden visual elements and copy behind moving scrolling graphics.

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