What Is the Difference Between Web Designing and Web Development?

  • by Webdesk
  • Sep 25, 2019

Web designing is the process of planning and building a website that focuses on aesthetic factors like layout, visual interface and other visuals that appear when anybody looks at your website. Web designing is used for making your website look more appealing and attractive, so that it can convince more buyers to visit your site which will take your business to newer heights.

The process of Web designing includes the use of different softwares like Photoshop, Dreamweaver etc to design the layout and interface of your business website.

Web designers make sure to design a website according to the user’s interest and his way of creating website. A good web designer focuses on Information architecture to set website’s   content and information space and then moves to the design process. Designers use various principles to design a website that makes it more attractive and functional. Some of the principles of web designing are-


  • Balancing-It is must for web designers to create a balanced design for your website. Using appropriate proportion of colors can effectively balance the style and layout of the website.
  • Another major thing to be considered while designing a website is the color contrast. Using suitable contrasting sizes, shapes and colors can hugely affect the designing of the website. Web Designers carefully use them to come up with the best layouts and designing.
  • Web designers usually focus on designing the websites keeping in mind the consistency of web pages. Using clear and consistent navigation, consistent content can be a huge profit for the websites.
  • Another principle for designing is emphasizing the important elements of the page layout. It is very important to highlight some of the major elements that displays the main ideas of your website.



Web development is the process of developing a website for the internet and the intranet. Web developers work developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web based internet applications, electronic business and social networking services. Web development is quite difficult sometimes as the advancement in technology and creation of new technological standards demand more efforts.

Here are some of the principles used by web developers to increase the work ability ad productivity of your business-


  • The main aim of website development is to provide quality content to the users. Web developers always set goals around quality and implement their web developing skills to measure and improve the quality of the website.
  • A simple yet powerful design is what every business website demands. Web developers always intend to offer a design that is easy and has clear context.
  • Web developers who are experts in responsive web development bestow learning, accessibility and quality coding. Coding is an important aspect in web development as it decides the functionality of the website. Careful coding is all you need for better website development.

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