5 Things Your Website Is Missing

  • by Webdesk
  • Sep 27, 2019

Creating a website and keeping it updated always is a tough job. Even if you bandage your website on a regular basis, chances are you will again miss something. Your website is the source of your business, you do not let your website degrade if you want to have a successful business. So, focus on things that your website is missing and try not to repeat the same mistakes.


Here are five things that may be missing in your website-


  • Updated and fresh content-

In order to keep your heads up in the online market, you need to keep updating your content. Content is not only the texts but the images, videos, animations, graphics, presentations, etc that defines what your brand is and what all your company can do for the customers. Keeping your content updated should be a priority of any website whether its business, personal or anything.

Just writing content is not enough, you must see if there are any grammatical errors as the search engines easily find those errors and it will not be beneficial for your website. So if you need to build a functioning website try having updated and fresh content.


  • Mobile friendly-


It’s not healthy for your website if it lacks mobile-friendliness. The new generation is all about mobiles, its uses and surfing internet on mobile devices. Everyone is stuck to the smartphones for all their needs these days and everybody demands a website that can properly function on mobiles.

So it’s very important for websites to be mobile friendly, as the search engines also demands the same. The websites that are mobile friendly appears on top positions in search engine rankings including Google.


  • Clear Call to Action-

As soon as you reach a website, the one option you expect is Call to Action. As soon as a visitor hits your profile he should be directed to take any action. It can be a “Call Us Now” button or a “Sign-Up” form for a free service trial, asking the user to act immediately.


  • Email marketing-

Email marketing can be an effective way to engage your visitors and be in touch with your customers. A lot of websites use email marketing that progressively increased their success rate and helped to make it to the top. You can develop emails for response from the customers, you can send out small campaigns for your visitors. This will make them feel like you care for them and they will be more attracted to your brand.


  • Testimonials-

Testimonials bring credibility to your website. Testimonial is a section on your website containing reviews and comments of the customers. When a new visitor goes through your website he looks at the testimonial that makes him believe that your website is searched a lot and provides better service.

The customer testimonial is a business idea to gain the trust of visitors and display better productivity of your website.

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