Online Shopping Is Now Easy Using Whatsapp, Here’s How

  • by Webdesk
  • Jun 08, 2019

We all know with the advent of technology there are ways for improved shopping experiences, one of the major development that comes with many more advantages is a WhatAapp. It has now developed a new feature on its Business application that makes it easier for the users to visit sites and buy products. Including India many other countries like Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Germany etc has now adapted to the new ‘catalogs’ feature in the WhatsApp that was recently added for better shopping experience. The catalog feature has already been used in seven countries and can be used by many more further. One of the major thing that makes this feature more viable is its easy usability for both Android and iOS.

The WhatsApp catalog feature was developed in 2018 for providing a communication platform for the buyers and sellers using this widely used app. Catalog includes all the description of the products and makes it easy to decide what and how to buy without actually visiting the websites. The businesses add product images, price, description, product name and link which prevent the extra load for the buyers visiting the websites and saves time. Adding all the essential information on WhatsApp eliminates the extra need to visit sites and thus provides a better user experience, the buyers can directly place orders through the Facebook owned apps.

According to WhatsApp’s blog post ‘Catalogs is the feature embedded in WhatsApp to prevent multiple visiting of the buyers on websites. It is a mobile storefront for the businesses to showcase the products and sharing goods so people can easily browse and discover products. Previously businesses once sent the product images and then the details separately but using the catalog feature the buyers can see all the details once and decide which product to buy.’

Since WhatsApp is worldwide used and has a specific place for the users when it comes to communication, the invent of catalog feature is a go to for all who believes and spends time on online shopping providing easy usability and less time consumption.

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