How Google Ad Extensions Improve Your AdWords Campaign?

  • by Webdesk
  • Oct 07, 2019

Google Ads or AdWords is an advertising service provided by Google to online business websites to display their ads on Google or its advertising network. Using AdWord program the users can bid on keywords and get paid when people click on their advertisements displayed on search engines.

Majority of online businesses use AdWords to create relevant ads using keywords that people search on Google. The keywords also define your cost of advertising. Each keyword has a specific value that is called Cost Per Click(CPC). Maximum CPC allows your ad to be shown at higher positions in Google search engine. The keyword which is searched triggers the ad and is shown to the users. As soon as Google search users click your ad they are directed to your website.

What are Ad extensions?

Ad extensions are the supplementary pieces of information that are added to the advertisements to make it more useful and understandable. Ad extensions generally include additional links from your website, telephone numbers and seller information.

How Adword campaigns can be improved using ad extensions?

To improve the quality of website advertisement ad extensions are used. By improving the quality of your advertisement Google Ad extensions also improves your AdWord campaigns.

Here are some of the Ad extension ideas that can be used to improve your Google Ad campaigns:

  • Callout extension

Callout extensions are allowed to improve your advertisement by adding additional descriptive texts for promoting your business like popular services or unique offerings of your brand or product.

Callout extensions are easy to implement and require no additional charges and require no link to secondary pages.

  • Click to text extensions

Click to text extensions are most probably used for mobile advertising. When using mobile one can easily go to “Text us if any query” or “Send us a text” option available at the end of your advertisement and can confront with the solutions.

  • Call extensions

Using Google AdWords call extensions the customers can easily call for help or in any dilemma. Other extensions like call outs and location extension provide extra benefit to the users, they can easily communicate with the business services.

Call extensions has more benefits compared to other Google Adword extensions such as-

  • It provides more Return on investment by keeping a record of all the calls that your business website has attended.
  • It drives the right conversion and you can choose your viewers.
  • Sitelink extension

Sitelink extensions are designed in such a way that it will drive the customer to a specific web page on your website. It measures the amount of specific clicks on different site link pages on your website and helps you know more customer preferences.

  • Review extensions

Google Adwords Review extensions help the customers to know the best reviews of other customers about your business. Mentioning review information increases your site’s success rates.

You should always choose ad extensions that are beneficial for your profile and that can engage more customers for you.

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