Difference Between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing

  • by Webdesk
  • Oct 01, 2019


Marketing is the goal of every business whether it’s a small or a large sized firm. In the growing technological world where almost everything is available online, the users are more into technology and have accepted its vast existence.

What is marketing? Marketing is a process of making your goods popular with an end goal to send it to the customers. It is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. Basically there are two ways of doing marketing- traditional and digital marketing.

Both of the marketing ways offer some merits to the customers, here’s the basic difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing-

Traditional marketing basically includes newspapers and magazine ads, TV and radio ads, post cards, telegrams etc whereas digital marketing includes marketing that is anchored on electronic devices such as websites, social networking sites, video marketing etc.

You need to choose which kind of marketing is suitable for your business, using the below mentioned differences you can easily get your preferences-


  • Cost-

Cost is the most effective factor that defines a successful marketing. The cost involved in digital marketing is much less than traditional marketing. Digital marketing includes social media marketing that is free and do not requires any charges to in the promotion of your products. On the other hand traditional media is much costly, advertising through newspapers and magazines demands much more money and time. It can take a huge amount of money to make billboards and banners but you are not showcasing your products on much large platform.


  • Accessibility-

Today digitalization has already reached its peak, digital marketing provides much more accessibility to the users. The arrival of smartphones and other electronic devices have centered people use them for almost all their needs. Digital marketing is not only people’s preference, it has actually become the need.

Most of the population uses smartphones, they use e-books for reading not the newspapers, they don’t reach hotels but order online, they don’t shop from store but prefer online shopping more.


  • Targeting audience and tracking-

It is very important for any business to know where your target audience is and from where your clients have found about your business. Tracking your customers and having a knowledge about which advertisements makes your product sell more is one of the most important way of increasing your profit.

Traditional marketing does not provide the flexibility of knowing the exact estimate of your customers or viewers, you can place a billboard and can spend lot on it but you will never know exactly from where you are getting your customers. But using the right digital tools you can check each and every customer who visited your brand profile, who bought your product and also how many people left your website. You can have an easy count of your customers and can keep your marketing values a level up each time.


  • Remarketing-

Remarketing is the method of serving ads to those customers who have once visited your website or taken action i.e bought a product or a service. Digital marketing is quite preferable because you can easily remarket your products by placing ads to the target audience with some discounts that may encourage them to buy those products once again.

Traditional marketing does not provide an exact estimate of your customers, so it is quite hard to reassure specific user to shop your business again.

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