What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

  • by Webdesk
  • May 24, 2015

SEO is an abbreviation forSearch engine optimization. It is a practice of optimizing content of a website for better search results. SEO is the process of getting traffic from the free, organic, editorial or natural search results on search engines. It implicates making changes in website content and designing to gather more public to the website which makes the site search engine friendly. Majorityof digital business organization and firms use search engine optimization to grow traffic of their website and make them easy discoverable by search engines using strong and relevant keywords. 

Any company whether small scale or large firms are expected to lose clients if they do not have a strong digital platform for expansion. Nowadays everybody checks your web business before closing any deal with you. Search Engine optimization helps you bring more visitors for your online business and more visitors automatically results into more revenue.

SEO is the art and science of boosting your web pages to be found by search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Twitter etc. It is categorized basically in two ways i.e On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.

On-page SEO-On page SEO is also known as on-page optimization. It particularly includes providing good content, using relevant keywords on web page, choosing appropriate keyword, naming web pages with a suitable title, avoiding jargons, using taglines and unique headlines etc.

Off-page SEO- Off page SEO or off-page optimization involve link building, increasing link popularity by submitting open directories, search engines, PPC submission, forum marketing, social bookmarking, link exchange, etc. It is used to enhance the website’s position in search engine result pages(SERP).

Search Engine optimization can do wonders for your website if you choose correct SEO services. It is highly beneficial for the better ranking and visibility of your web pages. Some of the benefits of SEO are-

  • It leads to better user experience.
  • SEO results to higher conversion rates by allowing the customers to be familiar with your brand as well as providing knowledge of your goods and products.
  • Search engine optimization builds brand credibility.
  • You can easily create brand awareness among people using search engine optimization.
  • SEO makes your website mobile friendly and usable.
  • SEO helps you gain market share and also maintain a long term marketing strategy for your website.

Search engine optimization is the most effective strategy for improving a website’s ranking and audience engagement to the website. A website’s achievement is exactly defined by the number of potential clients,SEO techniques undoubtedly ensure quality and confident traffic for top ranking position of your website.

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