PPC trends of 2019: what all you should be focusing on?

  • by Webdesk
  • Oct 14, 2019

Pay Per Click has always been a matter of discussion for all the marketers and is always updated with new features. This year also PPC has come up with some changes and new features that can be used for better business websites and web development.

This article is all about the latest trends in PPC that can be advantageous for you if you follow wisely. Now let’s discuss some of the major PPC trends here-

  • Paid search marketing

Paid search marketing is the process involved in digital marketing where the businesses advertise by paying either each time their ad is clicked or displayed and when a phone contact is generated. PPC is the most widely used form of paid search advertising.

Paid search audience advertising is one of the best ways to target a particular audience. Audience targeting not only helps in placing your ads in front of the right people, you advertise at the right time when people are searching for your product or service. While this marketing strategy is quite time taking, it’s worth the results.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Artificial Intelligence with automation is the latest trend in PPC.  Automation was always present in digital marketing from years and that is the major thing that makes digital marketing successful for most of the online businesses. Over the past several years PPC automation has improved from “hit or miss” feature to more powerful ways to improve PPC campaigns. Google itself has been investing a lot in improving automation and artificial intelligence in PPC.

The basic advantage of automation is you can get easy access and well versed information about your campaign. To get maximum outcome from PPC automation you need to work on it more carefully and you can improve faster.  By implementing effective and accurate conversion tracking, writing great ad copy and identifying your ideal audiences and keywords you can make the most of it.

PPC automation also offers other benefits like improving Google Ads and other platform shares, you can easily save a lot of money with less efforts. Using PPC automation carefully its easy to run your site and it acts more functional.

  • Investment and Video Marketing

Video marketing and investment are the evergreen trend providing much more benefits than other advertising techniques. Video advertisements offer great business reach and visibility of your brand to huge customers and viewers because of their appealing nature and low cost. Moreover making video ads are way more tiring than writing text ads and adding fonts but it is preferred more by the businesses because it provides more results.

Ads and sponsored videos on instagram provide much more comments and shares than the sponsored picture or any other content. The facebook ads are also a great help in promotion and are reachable to a larger audience. The most important platform for uploading and gaining support from millions of users is the youtube, most of the viewers nowadays watch youtube and many businesses has helped gain huge success improving their youtube skills. The youtubers provide sponsored videos that create a woo in the industry promoting the brands to an another level.

  • Voice and visual search

You know what’s trending? Alexa play this song, Siri please find the best mall near me, Google where to get the best burger from? Yes, voice search is the trend and everybody fall for this. According to research most of the people in 2019 has used voice search more than anything.

Along with voice search, the latest trend is the visual search. Searching with the exact pictures is the new population habit. Most of the device users are in the habit of searching images with images instead of typing or texts. Visual search is the latest trend and many platforms providing options like Pinterest Lens, Snapchat partnering with Amazon, and Instagram launching their shopping service are always engaging users to search using the visual search options.

  • Remarketing techniques

Remarketing techniques are the simplest and most used PPC advertising option available for business in the digital market. Remarketing includes tracking and displaying ads to users who once left your site. The most important factor for the success of remarketing is people see ads that are related to their search as well as the ones that are related to them, they may find something more interesting to get their hands on.

Adblockers have however made it difficult for businesses to display their ads but they can still use more personalized ads according to their users and this will surely help them.

In 2019 we have already seen many new features and PPC trends and it is quite sure that more updates will soon be added to the PPC trend list.

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