Blog Marketing

  • by Webdesk
  • Sep 24, 2019

A blog also called a weblog is a piece of work that contains information that is published on a website’s blog column or a blog website.

Blog marketing is a process of publicizing or advertising a website, business, brand or service through blogs. Blog marketing generally includes marketing through ads placed on blogs, reviews and recommendation by bloggers, multiple sharing of information across multiple blogs or promotion through entries on third party blogs.


Features of blog marketing


  • Blog advertising-

Blog advertising is a very crucial way of generating more leads for your blogs. Blog ads can be in form of banners, videos, text links and audio clips that helps in generating revenue for your blogs. Most of the blog owners capitalize on their blogs through ad format and Google Adsense.


  • Viral blogging-

Viral blogging is yet another way of blog marketing. The bloggers make blogs and post them on third-party blogs. Further the blogs are shared to more people and within less time the blogs go viral. This includes less expense and generates more revenue for the bloggers.


  • Reviews and recommendations-

Blog posts are always liked by the people when they have recommendations and reviews attached to them, even better If the reviews are from a famous or known personality. Those blog posts tend to serve more people and engage more customers than others. Many businesses pay for reviews and recommendations for their blog posts and this mainly increases the traffic for them.

Blog marketing helps to derive more traffic to your blogs.Blogs can be a vital help in your business and can always help in generating leads that will develop your business and help you attain your goals.

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